Monday, 28 January 2013

Screen shots

These are some screen shots of my editing so far. They are two of my favourite shots that I have done. The first is taken from the interview which I feel I have framed really well with the artist aggressively dominating the frame centrally. I had also chosen a good location for my mise-en-scene as the area is associated with the activity - an abandoned building site. Graffiti artists frequent these types of locations, constantly risking prosecution for trespassing. Psychologically they are are pursuing their desires at great personal risk - why? 

The second is taken from the shot which I filmed all hand-held as I wanted it to be shaky and not perfect, this adds a better sense of realism to the documentary and is typical conventional technique. I also wanted to capture us walking to these "gritty" and abandoned places that they will travel far and wide to get to with the purpose of just writing their names on a wall.

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