
My understanding of Psychoanalysis from reading about the Freud theory and watching films such as Fight Club and The Machinist is that when a person has done something wrong or have insecurities etc they may repress these feelings or emotions.  these feelings or desires then arise from the unconscious mind. a lot of the time they can be hallucinations or sometimes physical as shown in Fight club how the protagonist has got an "id" which is Brad Pitts character then the ego is himself and his superego is Project Mayhem. In the film The Machinist Christian Bales characters ego is himself, his id is Ivan and his superego in my opinion could be the machine as the machine runs at a continuous flow.

 I have also used a theory which was taken from a children's  book called "The missing piece meets the big O" and put this theory on the big O to documentaries such as 'Married to the Eiffel Tower' and also 'Grizzly Man'. The Big O is basically a theory which suggests that everyone is looking for a missing piece, whether it be money, fame, love etc it will never be enough because once we find that missing piece there is always another gap to fill. This is shown through the documentary 'Married to the Eiffel Tower' by showing us how the woman is Married t the tower but has multiple other "lovers" such as her bow, the Berlin Wall and even a fence that she lives with. This shows how this woman is constantly seeking different objects to fill a void in her life. She mentions a few times in the documentary of how she was "moved from foster home to foster home" This could explain her Objectophaelia as she has never had connections to humans that love her and the repressed feelings from this have come out into "falling in love" with objects.

I have researched bait into Jacques Lacans theory of 'The Mirror Stage'. This is when a child recognises themselves in a mirror for the first time and sees themselves in this object staring back at them. In the documentary 'Grizzly Man' Timmothy Tredwell spends every summer for the past 13 years living wild in Alaska with wild bears. He even gets that close to the bears that he plays with them and even washes in the same lake as them. My own opinion is that Timmothy may some how relate to the bears because he sees some of him self in them or he looks at them desiring to be that free and wild. Timmothy was a failed actor and turned alcoholic. He may have repressed these times in his life which caused him to take comfort with the bears. His desire was to be close with the bears and he kept having to fill his "missing piece" by getting more and more close to them. this one day took a turn for the worst and he was killed by a bear. this shows how enough is never enough and we constantly strive to fill these missing pieces in our lives but are never satisfied once filled.

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